Having 3 kids
It is my wish since young to have 3 kids with my true love. I achieved it last year and I can proudly say that this is my greatest achievement in my life at this moment. All my 3 kids are my heart and soul. They complete my life. I love them more than I love myself.

A loving hubby
Getting married to your true love is just the beginning. Learning to live with each other through differences , understanding to the extent that we can read each other’s thoughts and learning to forgive and forget takes many years, in our case, 9 years and still counting. It takes lots of heated, unheated, big and small arguments, shouts, heartache and tears to know the person who sleeps beside you every night well (I am grateful we still share the same bed and still hold hands while sleeping). And the most precious of it all, after all these ups and downs, character differences, suspicions on off-track marriage, financial woes and house chores fights, I still think that given a thousand chances to choose again, I will still choose the same husband.

A healthy family
This is what I pray for every night. As long as all the 5 of us are healthy and happy, I am contented. And whatever that may come with parenthood woes and life’s unpredictable rainy days that may shower upon us , I can face them strongly.
Healthy parents and parents-in-law
My parents and parents-in-law are healthy. My dad had just survived a major operation in removing prostate cancer. He is still strong and healthy and I count my blessings to have him back in good health. I cannot imagine how I would be able to take it if any untoward may happen to any of them. Hence, I am just as contented to know that at this time of my life, I have healthy parents and parents-in-law and am happy that my kids are fortunate enough to enjoy the love of them all.
A cosy home
We sold our 1st house and what a stroke of lady luck to strike upon us, I can’t be happier that we bought our current house which is just next to my parents’ house. This is almost a dream come true to be able to have my own family and yet still stay so near to my parents. I have more opportunities to show my filial piety to them and more time to be with them while they are still by my side. Our house is cosy even though it is at most times messy with toys littered around, and it has minimal cleaning and tidying. It is our home and it provides warmth to our kids. It is a warm shelter to keep us off uncertainties and keep us safe. No matter where we go on earth, or even to the moon, we would still want to return to this wonderful place called HOME.
A stable job
As much as I would love to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mum), I have little choice but to choose work to supplement the family income. Even though it is not something I enjoyed doing, I am contented for now that I have much work-life balance and understanding bosses and colleagues. Most importantly, I still have my own income to indulge in unnecessary but nice-to-have treats for me and for the kids.
Best friends’ support
I have 3 great best friends. All of whom I can count on if I ever need any help. One of them is my soul confidante. She is my hanger when I go shopping with her as she helps carry my bag due to my backache, my listening ear, my problem solver, someone whom I call whenever I need a person to talk to so that I do not doze off at work, someone whom I share my heartache, my innermost secrets and good and bad news with. I do not think I will ever find anyone like her on earth and she is my BEST FRIEND.
I know there are many people who have much more accomplished lives than mine, so many friends who are much more successful in their careers, lead sedentary lives or high side of lives (just by looking at their facebook photos). There are others whom I envied as they are comfortably living SAHM lifestyle and enjoying their kids without sacrificing time away at work. At times, I may feel inadequate and yearn to lead a tai tai lifestyle (tai tai means rich wives) which is stressfree with loads of time to waste away. But when I look back at myself, my kids and my family, I have so much to be thankful for.
I think I am contented.
Lovely post. Sounds like you do indeed have much to be grateful for!
Thank you for reading this post! Indeed life has much to be grateful for if we focus only on the positive things!