Having sat through 2 Saturdays of 6.5 hours each on learning PSLE Science Strategies, I am excited to share with all of you what I have learnt and started using on my elder 2 kids. It is never too early to apply some of these techniques if you are wondering whether these tips apply to P1 to P5. In fact, there was one parent who came to this PSLE workshop and her child is only in K2. No, we do not think she is Kiasu. In fact, we all think she has good foresight!
Some of the tips that we have learnt are similar to what the student workshop covered, hence, I shall avoid repeating them as much in this post. If you wish to refer to what other good answering techniques and strategies for Science, you may refer to my earlier post here.
There are 6 Tips to Ace-Star the Science Paper. Yes, it is possible to achieve A* for Science!!!
1) Examination Strategies
Before Prelims and PSLE, do the following practices:
– Aim for 20 right questions in 20 min (MCQ)
– Aim for 20 marks in 20 min (OEQ)
For Prelims and PSLE, your child should try to aim for the following marks:
Section A MCQ – Aim for full marks or at most allow up to 2 wrong questions. With this, the child would have already pass the paper just by doing Section A (out of 56 marks)
Section B OEQ – Aim to achieve 80% of the marks in Section B (35 out of 44 marks)
If your child is able to achieve the above, he/she will be able to get 91/100 which is equivalent to A*, if not 91, then would be a high A.
2) Copy down right answers from Assessment Books
The answers in Assessment books are vetted through by a team of educators before being published by the publisher. Hence they tend to be more reliable and are usually short and precise answers. In contrast, Top School Papers answers can be given by undergraduates who are paid by the Printing Company and are usually not vetted through. No wonder, we sometimes spot incorrect answers.
Having acknowledge the inaccuracies, we will still continue to do Top School Papers but I will mark with good reasoning if I doubt the integrity of the answers. So, for our Science practices, we prefer to do Assessment Books and memorise the way of answering questions from the answers given.
3) Review School Worksheets and Past SA / CA Papers mistakes
This is the top most important revision that all students should do. It is important to review and revise School Worksheets and learn from past SA/CA Papers mistakes. Mr Chee reiterated this again and again. He strongly believes that if all the mistakes in the past are now done correctly, there will be no doubt in getting an A* for Science paper.
4) Forgetting Curve
Mr Chee told us about the “Forgetting Curve” meaning that human memory goes down with time. We should revise and relook at what we have learnt within 2 days of gaining a knowledge. This will ensure that knowledge learnt is reinforced in our memory. Thus, revise on the Science topic as soon as it is taught in school. As parents, we can note down the days that Science lessons are conducted and have a quick 15 minute walk through of the topic at the end of the day with the child.
5) Subscribe to Science Magazines (Young Scientist, Discovery Box, etc)
Subscribing Science Magazines is a very good way to start kids into loving Science and gaining Science facts and information. The knowledge is presented in comic form or colourful and engaging layout to attract interest and attention.
Thanks to Mr Chee’s reminder on Science Magazine Subscription. I went home to bring out a few of the Young Scientist magazines that we had previously subscribed and laid them on the table. Master 10 immediately took them and re-read these magazines upon seeing them. And what surprised me even more is that my Master 5 followed his brother and turned the pages from one magazine to the next. That lasted at least 2 weeks of reading them!
So, if you have not ever subscribed to any of such Science Magazines, I strongly urge you to do so. Kids love comic books and the content in these magazines are really informative, interesting and easy to understand. You can go to Popular bookstore to buy the previous year’s subscription in one go or subscribe them online to have the magazine delivered to your house every month. (Note: I realised that Discovery Box is not found in Popular. You may wish to subscribe online via this website.)
6) Watch Documentaries / Go to Nature Parks
Encourage TV time on Documentaries like Nat Geo Wild, Discovery Channel, etc. Sit down with your child to watch together and explain if necessary or learn together with them!
Science is really all around us, no matter where you are. Singapore has lovely nature parks that can let you observe and learn relevant Science topics that are covered in school syllabus, like the kind of tropical trees, seed dispersion, life cycle of animals and insects, Adaptations, etc. Bring the kids out frequently to be keen observers on Mother Nature, this will surely spark their interest in Science.
If you would have noticed, the above tips in excelling in Science requires time and effort and daily interactions. It would be good to start stimulating curiosity in your child right now and get them to be sensitive to the surroundings, observe more, ask questions, and discuss about daily Science.
Even though I only get to learn about this in a PSLE workshop, I do not think we are too late to start sparkling interest in the kids. Learning is a lifelong journey. At 12 yo, we are certainly in time!
REMEMBER to check out my earlier post on more Answering Techniques and Learning Strategies covered in the Student’s Workshop. Together with the tips in this post, I am sure your child will gain confidence in the Science Paper too!
If you are interested in MCE PSLE workshops and other Primary School workshops, click here to check out what they have!
Resource Books that We Are Using
We are using the PSLE Ultimate Science Guide and the corresponding MCQ and OEQ Workbooks. We use them for target practices.
Mr Chee recommended his book Science of Success which we find is very unlike the normal Science Assessment books around. It tests the basic Science facts and understanding and is in a layout that is easy for revision and reference. We have been using it and some of the facts tested are really what we found in Top School Papers and not found in normal textbooks. It covers out of the textbook knowledge too!

Great Resources!
Follow me on my PSLE Series post here on our home-learning without Tuition!
Follow me and fellow Blogger mums on our takeaways on Marshall Cavendish Education Workshops which all of us are full of praises for!
PSLE English Workshop for Parents by Kids R Simple
PSLE English Workshop for Students by Kids R Simple
PSLE Science Workshop for Student by Kids R Simple
English – How to Write Confidently & Creatively by Mummy Ed
English – How to Excel and Speak Well in English Oral by Mummy Ed
Math – Heuristics Explained for Intermediate and Advanced Learners by DinoMama
Math – P3 and P4 Math Coaching Workshop by Xavvylicious
Math – Problems Solving with Essential Know-hows and Tools by ilovedefamily
Math – Stretching Your Child’s Mathematical Abilities by Mummy Ed
Chinese – Effective Strategies for Chinese Composition by Mummy Ed
Disclaimer: Thanks to Marshall Cavendish Education for inviting me and my Missy to attend these insightful workshops on PSLE Science. We benefited tremendously from Mr Chee’s teaching and I must say we are more confident now in answering Science questions than before! Not only did we learn about how to improve our grades for PSLE, we took away precious learning skills that will help Missy throughout her education and help me to impart the skills to all my kids!
Interestingly, we’ve been doing 2-5 with my boy! Am SO glad that we’re actually doing things as expertly mentioned!! I just go through all corrections with my boy for his science tests and ask him to copy down in his mindmap journal. He also reviews his science after a new topic is taught. But hor, hahaha… still not A, not to mention *. Nontheless, I am very happy to know these are essentially the good habits and approach to take! Thanks for sharing such a concise and beneficial post!! All the best to Missy!!