My Little Toddler at 16th month

My baby has become a toddler! Now I am beginning to miss his baby days! It’s been 3 months since I updated his progress at 13th month. My Little Gem is 16 months old now. The major development here is striking out his first step at 14th month. It’s a great development milestone for him. Even though it’s late, we are still super proud of him! Don’t all mums feel proud of every milestone no matter how small it might be? Continue reading “My Little Toddler at 16th month”

My Baby’s First Contest

When XX was one and a half years old, she competed in a baby contest and breezed through all rounds of audition to the finals. She was fast enough in putting shapes into the shape sorter box to enter the semi-finals, she was fast enough in running a 5 metre track to reach the finals, and she was 5th in the fastest 10 metre run in the finals. She won 8 packs of diapers to everyone’s joy! Continue reading “My Baby’s First Contest”

My baby at 13th month

It’s amazing how babies grow and the speed at which they grow.

My baby has passed his first birthday when I wrote an open letter to him. I hope it will be memorable for him when he grows up reading the letter. It’s a letter full of love, love and love. And it’s also easy to forget such intense love when we go through everyday life in joy, laughter, anger, frustration, tears, disappointment, and back to love again Continue reading “My baby at 13th month”

My baby’s first photoshoot with Imagegarden

Baby shoot

Everyone loves a photoshoot. You are the model. You pose, smile, wear pretty clothes and you are in the limelight. The make-up artist ensures you are the prettiest or most handsome. The photographer captures your best angle. Wouldn’t you enjoy all that? But what happens if a baby is that model in the shoot? It’s a totally different ball game and I would say different kind of enjoyment that comes with it! Continue reading “My baby’s first photoshoot with Imagegarden”

My baby has HFMD!!

A friend told me that one-year-olds usually fall sick after a 1st birthday celebration especially if it is a big one. I refuse to believe that but coincidentally it happened to all my 3 kids. Two weeks before my baby YT was one, he was down with cough. So I thought after his first birthday celebration, he would be fine and I would proudly bust the myth. Continue reading “My baby has HFMD!!”