Science is a daily encounter. Children learn about Science through their daily activities. So, Science should be an easy subject when school children starts to learn it as a formal subject in Primary 3.
But, is it really so easy to ace?
I do not think so at all.
I realize that even though children may know Science, they may not know how to answer the test questions using Scientific terms nor do they remember all facts at the age of 9. How to deal with Science questions in the exams would probably be another blog post on its own. But there is a way to remember how Science works and key concepts for the exams and it is easy!
I am happy to receive a copy of JJ’s Science Adventure from Aurelia to review on this Science comic. This first book of hers is on Magnets. It came at a right time when my girl is learning about magnets in Primary 3. How this book comes about is Aurelia’s passion for educating the young as an educator. She believes each child has the potential to excel academically. But due to the different learning styles and mismatch of the way children acquire information and the way information is delivered to them, these impeded their ability to learn.
One great way to remember key concepts of Science topics taught in school is to capture the children’s interest through a story line. And how true this is. Do you find it easy to re-tell a story after watching a movie or reading a story book? Some interesting facts that happened in the story tend to stick to you for a long time.
JJ’s Science Adventure is a captivating story that brings you through an adventure in discovering the world of magnets in Magnet Town. The leads in the story, Joyce and Jonathan (hence the name JJ), are 2 lively twins with different characters who contribute to the humor of the story. The story is not too long and is just about right to capture one’s interest to follow through the story line. There are short sections of explanation on how magnets work whenever a relevant fact surfaces in the story. I find these explanations extremely helpful to understand things and to remember the facts. Facts are best remembered with graphics.
There is a section at the final pages of the book on “Did You Know?” that even myself loves to read about. It covers magnets in Maglev Trains and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) which I think is interesting and useful knowledge to all. The last two pages are for children to challenge themselves in questions relating to magnets.
I would suggest parents to sit down to read this comic with their children even though they can read by themselves. I like to read in an animated way to my children and explain things along the way. It gives them a chance to ask me questions and me a chance to answer these questions as well as know how much they really understand the story.
And I must commend on how Aurelia’s passion of educating children extend to how she autographed this book for my kids. My kids had a pleasant surprise when they read these two messages she had for them 🙂

JJ’s Science Adventure won a Reader’s favourite illustration award in Miami, Florida.
You may be wondering, like me initially, on what is the difference between this Science comic and many other Science comics out there. JJ’s Science Adventure focuses on reinforcing the concepts learnt in school in an entertaining manner. It is based on topics rather than general knowledge in other Science comic books. The key teaching points are highlighted in blue. In fact, you can treat this book as a complement to what is taught in the school Science textbook. This first book focuses on magnets only. The next book is on Heat and Light. It is currently open for pre-order on the website. We are already looking forward to the next book!
More information:
Where to get this book – retailing at Elm Tree located at paragon, Funan, Star Vista and Downtown East, mytoyshop at Jelita Shopping Mall or you can get it online at the e-store
Facebook: click here
Good News for Kids ‘R’ Simple Readers!
Aurelia is very kind to sponsor 2 books to 2 lucky readers!
Just follow these simple steps to take part!
1) Like Kids R Simple facebook page (if you have not)
2) Like Harvest Edutainment facebook page
3) Like and share this post on facebook (please tag Kids R Simple)
4) Leave a comment on this post on facebook (leaving a comment again in this blog post would be a bonus)
on why you want to have this book and REMEMBER to leave your email address.
Giveaway ends 15 December 2014.
Disclaimer: We received a copy of JJ’s Science Adventure on Magnets for the purpose of this book review. I always love to support local aspiring entrepreneur and local productions, not mentioning it is for the passionate belief in educating the next generation! If this book is no good, you will never see it on my blog. I would highly recommend it to school children who are starting on Science subject in school. It certainly helps to instill further interest in the Science topic 🙂 I hope you enjoy this book as much as we do!
My boy loves to read. Science is interesting to him too
Thanks for the opportunity to win this interesting book.
I will like to win this science comic for my P2 boy who will start Science next year. He has started interest in Science and has recently started reading actively on Science. I will like him to read JJ’s Science Comic as it is a fun way of introducing Science.
Serene Leow
For my 9 years boy cos Science is his favourite Subj. 🙂
Comics with facts are fun and sure way to interest my kids! Thanks again! : )
Looks like a good one! I can’t believe they don’t formally start science until primary 3. Kids are such natural scientists! I’ve been meaning to check out whether they have any science exposure at all – if not I need to break it to P gently in the next couple of weeks before school starts!
Seriously, Science is not that easy to tackle. In fact, I feel that the way they structure the Science test papers seem to kill off all kind of interest in a child. I hope P enjoys school and I am sure he will! Look forward to reading your experience as a mum on first day of her son’s school 🙂 For me, I almost teared… haha!
We’ll see 🙂
What do they do with the science tests? What kind of questions? Gosh, you’ve got me not looking forward to it now! Currently it’s P’s best subject.
introduces science in a fun way to pres schoolers