Doctor for a day was back again recently! You can imagine my anxiety and fast fingers to register both my elder kids for the event before the time slot keeps changing to “sold out” within seconds! This event has been a highly sought after kids fun event since 2012.
What exactly is this and why is it so popular?
It is a day for children age 5-10 to encounter what goes on for doctors in a day in a REAL Hospital setting! Just reading on the program line up will get parents like me to register without much thought because we know our kids will enjoy themselves very much!
There are 6 stations for these little “doctors” to attend to.
1st station: The Doctor’s Room – where the kids learn about some basics of hygiene in the hospital. They learn about the 7 steps of handwashing, why the need to wear a mask and shower cap.

4th station: The Operating Theatre – The kids learn about reading X-Ray films and using cotton bud to treat burnt areas.

5th station: The Heart Room – There is a super big human heart with arteries and veins to teach the kids about healthy eating for a healthy heart.

The kids enjoyed themselves very much. For the parents, we stood outside each station and were busy taking photos of our children and uploading to instagram and facebook. How do I know? Well, on the very same day, many of my friends uploaded Doctor for a day event on these social media platforms and I didn’t even see them on that day! That’s because at each 20 minutes interval, there is a group of 10 kids for each of these sessions. I must say it is a well planned event and certainly an engaging one. Hopefully, we will be back again but for a different kind of experience.
If you would like to know when is the next session for Doctor for a day, do stay tune to their facebook page. For me, I got the news of this event through a friend and almost could not book a slot for my kids as I didn’t have the first hand news.
Here is the facebook page:
Looks so fun! But need to play fastest fingers game? Maybe I should just install the app.. >_<
Hi bumblebee mum, no! I mean I had to register very quickly before the slots to this event were taken up by other people who were registering too. The app is a fun game for the children. You can play too. It’s quite interesting
This looks so much fun. My daughter would love to participate, since at the moment she wants to be a doctor (last year she wanted to be a football player). Unfortunately there is still no information about the next session on their facebook page.
The last session was last month, maybe a couple more months they should have this again
I have been waiting for my boy to come to age to attend! Hopefully they do it again this year!
I am sure they will do it again. In fact, I think they did this more than once a year due to popular demand.
Sounds like fun! I wonder if they do anything like that here?! I should check it out!
I think they have this in US if you would do up a google search for Doctor for a day. If you have friends working in the hospital, you can suggest this to them
That is so awesome! And I can’t believe how big the kids are getting! It’s like I blinked and they’ve grown 6 inches taller!
Yes, I always tell them that they are only an arm’s length at birth and now they are so many times that arm’s length!
This is so cool! I want to do it.
I have been monitoring the Doctor for a day event but the moment it released in the facebook, it shown no slot..
Could you pls tell me how you manage to secure the slot??
I have been closely monitor yet it only allow some lucky draw system for the Dec 2014 event.
Nicenice mum
Very awesome. I can see why it’s popular. Should start stalking them on Facebook lol!
You should! At least for one time experience, the kids should love it
PS: Recently, I am overwhelmed by work, hence my slow reply to your comment.
New (ish) job, right? I have the same feeling about blogging lately. Seems like a lot of things on this year!
Will find time to visit “you” (blog)… terribly and crazily busy!
As and when!