It’s December and we are counting down to Christmas!! I wanted to make some art and craft with my kids for this wonderful holiday when I chanced upon this!

A Wee Nest had started a project called 12 DIY Pins of Christmas and she made this so beautifully that I couldn’t resist in making a similar one with my kids!
I modified a little as we had a craft session during our staycation in our favorite hotel, and I forgot about the tree “trunk”. Hence we had to make do without it!
First, have these supplies ready: a piece of coloured paper folded into half, ribbons, tape or glue, colour pens or crayons, a straw or ice cream stick (for the stem which I did not use here)
Next part shall require an adult’s help to trace a Christmas tree with a ribbon while your kid holds and sticks the tape along the centre line of the tree. You can use glue for a better effect. I have chosen tape because I feel it’s easier for the kids to stick the ribbon.

There you go! A simple Christmas tree card!
Then it’s up to your kids to decorate the card in any way they want!

When it comes to simple art and crafts, I love to leave as much hands-on work to the kids as possible. So, I’ll try to find simple craft work for them! If you do have simple ones like this, feel free to share with me!!
Hey, that’s great! Now I know what to do with all the gift-wrap ribbon on Christmas afternoon 😉 .
Oh I love those! I think that would be the best Christmas card to receive! Perfect for family and friends! What a great way to get the kids involved!
It’s really a simple craft to keep the kids busy. I am in awe of the simplicity and beauty of what ribbon can do!
That is lovely! So simple but stylish, love it!
I love it too!!
Those are so cute! I love the when beautiful and creative things are easy to make as well! I may have to make some of these with Z. 🙂
It’s really easy! I am sure Z will enjoy with you!
These are great! I love your take on them!! I will definitely make them again, or something similar, when Birdie is old enough to help!
Thanks for sharing such a lovely idea! Look forward to more of your pins!
Fantastic idea!
It certainly is! Thanks!
So simple but so classy!
Yes, I was so impressed with the elegant look of the ribbon and it was so simple to make with the kids!
I already loved Danielle’s version in her post, but yours rock too, I love how the kids personalized them 🙂 Great job! 🙂
Thanks for the compliments! I will be doing more Christmas crafts with the kids, the Christmas mood is certainly caught on!