Having read about the great reviews on US imported Cool de Sac from SassyMama and JBabies on this new playhouse cum cafe, I wanted to check it out myself too. So, I recommended this place to the other mummies from my son’s class when we were cracking our brains on a place where mummies can chat and kids can play without much supervision.

Cool de Sac playhouse works this way:
Entry for kids 3-12 yo – $20 for unlimited playtime
Entry for toddlers above 6mths to below 3 yo – $10 for unlimited playtime
Credit card discounts: Amex 15%, OCBC 10% off entry and food prices
For unlimited play time, I think $20 for each child is really low price in my opinion.
The kids had so much fun and the mummies were able to chat happily that we ended up being the last to leave at 10pm which is Cool de Sac closing time.
Cool de Sac has a kids’ menu that serves decent food at reasonable prices. I ordered a pizza for YH, a spaghetti for XX and Little YT, a macaroni cheese for myself to share with the kids (I knew I would end up eating the leftovers of pizza and spaghetti) plus 2 milkshake in adult sizes. All these cost me less than $30 with credit card discount. The rest of the menu looks tempting too. They even have baby’s puree on the menu!
There are many play zones inside this cafe catering to toddlers, young kids and big kids – indoor playground, lego section, costume pretend play, toddler’s area, Wii and play station, colouring and craft area, and many cosy corners by the window for the bigger kids to self-entertain at the very last entertainment option.
Indoor Playground
Flying Fox
Suspension bridge and Tree house play area
Hoola Hoop and Soft blocks
Costume Pretend Play

Lego Blocks

Gaming area

Toddler play area

Craft area

Cool de Sac is not only a perfect place for playdates, I think it gives parents a place to unwind and catch up on lovey dovey dates without leaving the kids at home. It is a place that suits all ages and will be perfect for families with different age groups kids. We stayed there for a solid 4.5 hours in total for the P1 Playdate and all of us still have lots to chat and the kids were still reluctant to go home.
This will surely be my number one place for playdates from now on till I discover another better place 🙂
Facilities at Cool de Sac:
Diaper changing station
Lockers (you have to bring your own locks)
No restrooms (you have to walk out of the restaurant and it’s about 50m away)
Stroller parking area – near the entrance and shoe racks
Bring your own socks

More information on Cool de Sac:
Location: Suntec City Mall, #02-379/380 (Next to Cocoa Tree), 3 Temasek Boulevard, Singapore 038983
Opening Hours: Weekdays 10am – 10pm; Weekends and pubic holiday 8.30am – 10pm
Tel: (+65) 6332 1259
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cooldesacsingapore
Website: http://cooldesac.com.sg/
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. This place is too cool not to share 🙂
One thing our kids activity places lack are the crafts areas, which you seem to have in abundance! I like the way they offer a more quiet play too, I can see how you enjoyed the place for a long time with all its variety.
You have many outdoor play and because of our high humidity and hot weather, many prefer indoor play and crafts. This is a very good play date cafe for sure. What sets it apart is that the parents are able to see the kids as they run around, except for 2 extreme ends where we’ll need to walk over to check them out.
I love this idea. There is so much opportunity for active/creative play, while the parents can relax for a bit. thanks for sharing.
Me too! Great idea to keep the parents and kids coming back 🙂
Reblogged this on Expat Dad SG and commented:
Looks like there is a good new indoor playground to visit.
Thanks for re blog. It’s a good place to go!
My pleasure, don’t think we will make it before leaving Singapore but it does look good
Thanks for a great blog! We’re always on the lookout for toddler activities. Will definitely check this out 🙂
Thanks! Glad you like it!
Sounds like a good option to have up our sleeves. Definitely a bit more variety than some of the other places. The only concern I have is how to stop it from turning into an extended computer game session… but I love the idea of dress ups as well as the usual soft play, etc.
Ah… you are quite right. The kids did spend more time on the stations than the rest. But since they were a group, they had more fun playing together even at the toddler area. Thank goodness there were no other toddler except for my own.
This is indeed the best indoor playground in town, and the most reasonably priced. It’s also the only one with decent hot food instead of only snacks and sandwiches, if I’m not wrong. Cool place!
On another note, it’s so cool too that your son’s classmates can get together for play dates during the school holiday! That’s very rare!
The food is good and they are freshly cooked. Actually there are more places that serve hot food now like Amazonia, Fidgets. This mama gathering is my first too and we totally love it. You should start one with your son’s class too 🙂
That place is AWESOME! I love all of the stations! Running and jumping and sliding and dress up and video games! I could spend all day there!
I mean, Mr. T would have loved to spend all day there! 🙂
Haha! I bet he would!!