Baking with kids – Easy Peasy Butter Cookies

I always make a point to do some kitchen activities with the children during school holidays, like the time when I taught them to cook from young in simple dishes. I will do it more frequent with the kids but you know, there is limited energy after work and weekends are usually outdoors. And over one long weekend 2 weeks ago, I decided to do a first time baking for myself and first time baking with the kids.

I never had an oven. And one wrong concept is I thought that oven has to be in-built which we did not have it when we moved to this house, and portable ovens are too expensive for my limited baking. Then a close girl friend told me that ovens nowadays are very affordable and it is worth a small investment just to have fun baking with the children. So, I went to scout for one cheap oven and this oven cost me less than $100!

My oven
My oven

Well, I can treat it like a toy to have fun with the kids. And guess what? The moment the oven arrived, the hubby made these: Continue reading “Baking with kids – Easy Peasy Butter Cookies”