eXplorerkid @ Downtown East + {Giveaway}

The exams are finally over! If you would remember my hardship and lessons learnt as a laid back mum, you would know how happy I am for the first time, that I am looking forward to the days after my kids’ exams! Never felt as happy after “kids’ exams” before…. and I thought I will never be the study-with-the-kids-and-not-too-sure-who-is-taking-exams-mum…*eyes rolling*…

Immediately, after the exams, we had lots of activities waiting for us! One of the fun ones that I want to share with all is eXplorerkid @ Downtown East Health and Adventure Quest. Best of all, I have 10 family tickets to give away! Apologies for not sharing this earlier due to you know… ahem.. the exams, that even blogger mum has to take a break from blogging due to the …ahem..exams…

For once, it is the dads who will be sweating it out with the kids. The Dad & child Health and Adventure Quest is specially organized to strengthen the father and child bond and what’s more to let the dad to have the perfect reason to exercise, no? Fret not if you think that any team will be demoralized for not emerging the winner, because every team will be a winner and will win attractive prizes! So, this is a sure win quest and a very meaningful one to take part in.

adventure quest

Seriously it is not difficult: Simply work together to Continue reading “eXplorerkid @ Downtown East + {Giveaway}”