Learning Chinese – 3 things that parents must know to help your children

Learning Chinese in Singapore seems to be more difficult than anywhere else. Well, I am not really comparing with learning Chinese in Japan, Korea, etc. However, in an environment or country where Chinese is a mother tongue to majority, why is this subject so hated by many children and their parents.

I wonder why.

It has probably to do with parents here speaking lesser Chinese and more English at home to their children. Hence, compared to China where Chinese is spoken daily, every minute, every second, we speak a mix of English and Chinese and use simple Chinese words and limited vocabulary.

While my kids do not have much of a problem with this subject for now, I should not get complacent. I was told by Eeva Chang (张美香), (the educator and principal of Eduplus who is also engaged by MOE as a trainer for 8 years to teach all school Chinese teachers in Singapore), that children will face a drop of marks in Chinese once in Primary 3 and once in Primary 5. At least an 8-12 marks down.

Why??? Continue reading “Learning Chinese – 3 things that parents must know to help your children”

iNbox – It’s bonding time + Giveaway!!

iNbox (May's theme)

Does your kid like to receive mails?
How about receiving a fun activity box every month? Add in the suspense of what’s inside, and I bet this is already the first step to lots of fun! Continue reading “iNbox – It’s bonding time + Giveaway!!”

Teach your children to cook from young

When does one learn to cook? Just before getting married with a crash course of mum’s cooking? Or after married when pressured to fulfil a dutiful wife’s role to cook for your other half?

For me, I started frying an egg at age 11 and after that, a few impromptu spaghetti and instant noodles here and there. It was really only after my 3rd newborn when I had a short SAHM period of 5 mths maternity leave was I able to proclaim myself as “able to cook”. For those months, I DID cook 3 dishes plus a soup every single day! Yes, it’s late I know. Better late than never. Hence, I decided that my kids shall start early. I feel that age 7 is an ideal age to start cooking a dish from start of preparation, using knife to chop garlic, etc, to cooking over a stove fire. Continue reading “Teach your children to cook from young”

Singapore will never take water and fresh air for granted anymore

drought 2014 drought 2014-2

The grasses are wilting in a green Singapore. The rain refuses to fall and Singapore is experiencing the longest drought ever recorded in history. We haven’t had rain since mid of January (although with a few minutes shower for 2 or 3 days which really do not count towards rain) and that’s already 2 months till now. The reservoirs are drying up. It’s a rare phenomenon. Continue reading “Singapore will never take water and fresh air for granted anymore”

Yamaha Junior Music Course – good or not?

Little YT at Yamaha

I started learning piano at the age of 15. I don’t come from a well-to-do family and was really happy that my parents could pay for my love of music back then. I stop during ‘O’ levels but continued from University days which I paid off my piano fees using hard-earned money from giving private tuition to Primary and Secondary students. I had a China made piano which could only allow me to reach Grade 4. I skipped grades and my first ABRSM exam was Grade 4 practical which I got a distinction. To go on to Grade 5, my teacher told me Continue reading “Yamaha Junior Music Course – good or not?”