If saving time by being efficient in everything you do as a mum (or even dad) is your new year resolution, this book is for you.
“How to be an Amazing Mum When You Just Don’t have the Time” by Tanith Carey is just what I need now when I JUST DON’T HAVE THE TIME for EVERYTHING.

I chanced upon this book in the community library. In this book, there are many good tips in saving time from how to handle your children, leave the house on time, to how to put on make up in minimal time and yet look good!
One of the best advice the author gave and I feel I must share to all parents feeling the same way, was how she shared the 7 most likely sins of Harassed Parents. These sins resonate so well with me, I had better remember not to fall into these traps. (Sentences in Italics are direct extractions from the book)
1) Shouting to Get Kids to do Things
Hey, I am surely guilty of this one. Continue reading “7 most likely sins of Harassed parents”