I am thankful for…

I am thankful quotes

This quote caught my attention and had me paused in my tracks to digest each and every sentence.

These quotes are such mundane things in life that often are taken for granted and easily lamented upon.  Earlier, I have written 2 posts that require much reflection and appreciation of my life.  The first is “It’s the simple things that count” where I paused for a moment to reflect on what I have now at this point of my life and really find much to be contented with. The second post is “Reminders to myself as a wife and mummy” which reminded me to do checks on myself on my attitude towards my hubby and children. I find such self-checks extremely important and meaningful to me as I tend to get blinded with the busy schedule everyday.  It’s so easy to forget what you already have. 

So, here it is, these quotes lead me to appreciate being able to work,  being able to hear, walk, talk, having a lovely home and a lovely family, and being alive among many other things that I may conveniently complain about and take for granted.

Have you ever paused in the moment to reflect what you have right now? You may find that you have so many things to be thankful for.

Reminders to myself as a wife and mummy

3 years ago, when I was 6 years into marriage and 5 years into motherhood, I wrote a list of reminders that I hope to revisit from time to time.  They are the reminders to myself to be a good mummy to my children and a good wife to my hubby.  I wrote this list for fear that one day I might be too caught up in a whirlwind of life’s changes, I might lose myself somehow and forget the basic ingredients in building a happy family. 

Reminders to myself as a wife and mummy:

1)    do not nag too much

2)    learn to let go and care less, not care more

3)    do not stress your kids academically

4)    accept your child’s ability and accept who they are

5)    accept who your hubby is

6)    learn to take good care of yourself, take care of your own needs before others

7)    treat yourself well

8)    appreciate small improvements / changes

9)    appreciate your blissful life now

10)  appreciate that everyone including yourself is healthy

Now, 3 years after the above list is made, I am happy that I keep to most of the reminders, except maybe for no. 1 “do not nag too much” and no. 7 “treat yourself well”.

Nagging too much seems to be the inevitable for mothers. It’s a vicious cycle. If the kids or even the hubby had to have repeated reminders to pick up a piece of paper or to bring the cup to the sink area, how can the homemaker not say the same instruction repeatedly which is what they termed the “nagging”? If all I need to do is to just say it once, and the task gets done, will I ever need to “nag”? Nevertheless, I have accepted this as part and parcel of being human and what I’ll need to do is to say it out in a different tone and manner, perhaps that’ll take away the nagging tone to make the nagging not such a nag. I don’t know. But I will have to try. Does anyone has a good solution on this out there?

Treat yourself well. Usually mothers are like “burnt chop”. They are the ones who eat the burnt chop and give the good ones to the rest of the family. They always put the well-being of the family first and themselves last. Whatever they do, they do with the best interest of the family even if it means to sacrifice their me-time and social life. This is the area I need to improve on. Self-sacrifice has always been the norm for me and putting myself above the others is going to be difficult. So far, I have been trying to treat myself better minus all the guilt. Wish me luck!

For no. 8 and 9: “appreciate your blissful life now” and “appreciate that everyone including yourself is healthy“, I have written a blog post on this and am happy that a check at this point in time, I do appreciate such simple but easily taken for granted things.

How do you keep check on yourself to not take things for granted?  And do you nag? Do you have ways to cut down nagging?