Are you a fan of organic foods? Have you heard of Organic Bakery? I know organic foods exist, but I always suspect ALL ingredients that go into the process of making the end product are bound to have something that are not so organic. How wrong I was after visiting Bud of Joy, an Organic Bakery and Store selling pure organic foods. Over the weekends, I took my kids to have an educational tour of the bakery’s kitchen and we learnt all about preparation of the organic ingredients into baking organic cakes, 100% wholemeal organic bread, and organic cookies and pastries. Everything made in the bakery is 100% natural, pesticide-free with no preservatives nor artificial ingredients! Wow! I thought to myself: to put in so much effort to prepare the ingredients to make nutritious and delicious pastries, the baker must have a lot of passion for healthy food!

Bud of Joy Bakery Continue reading “A peep into Organic Bakery kitchen – Bud of Joy”