Little YT at 22 months and my thoughts on sharing personal life in public


The last milestone update on Little YT was when he was 16 months. I have been wanting to update this quarterly but time just slips me by and Alas! 6 months had passed! In 2 months time, he is going to turn 2 years old, the big TERRIBLE TWOS!!! Continue reading “Little YT at 22 months and my thoughts on sharing personal life in public”

My Little Toddler at 16th month

My baby has become a toddler! Now I am beginning to miss his baby days! It’s been 3 months since I updated his progress at 13th month. My Little Gem is 16 months old now. The major development here is striking out his first step at 14th month. It’s a great development milestone for him. Even though it’s late, we are still super proud of him! Don’t all mums feel proud of every milestone no matter how small it might be? Continue reading “My Little Toddler at 16th month”