If I were to go back to school, what would I want to master?

If I were to go back to school, I would love to learn everything on SOCIAL MEDIA.  Learn the wonders it brings to my life and make me a savvy mom, and not one under the well.

Why social media?  Without knowing much about it:

– your name would not have travelled far and wide.

– your blog and business name would be just confined to your friends and relatives and no one else.

– your information on the world’s happenings would not have been first hand.

– you would probably only get to see your long lost friend 50 years down the road (likely across the street from where you live), and he probably is the only lost friend found.

– you would not have known what events to bring your kids to on the weekends.

– you would not have known so many friends in the blogosphere, from facebook likes and twitter followers.

– you would never have known so many smart people, kind people and people who share the same interest with you.  Of course, you would similarly have known many unkind anonymous ghosts.

This topic requires a master degree for sure.  And if there is one in my country, I would have jumped at the opportunity to master this amazing course.  Social media, indeed, is one that can reach out far and wide.  Even Mr Obama won his white house residency through it.  Because I did not master this degree, I am now struggling to understand how social media and its various platforms work to better my blog and its readership.  Self-study is always not easy but it allows you to explore and keeps you learning.  One day, facebook could be overtaken by Happier, who knows?  And any idea what is Happier??

(This post is written for the Daily Prompt: Back to school challenge)

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