Characteristics of an 8 year old and Strategies to handle them

My girl XX is soon to be 9 years old. She is a pretty young lady and baby at the same time in my eyes. Which kid does actually grow up in their parents’ eyes? Just 9 years back, she was just a cuddly cute thing in our arms and now she is 3/4 my height. She still enjoys much of everything a baby loves, yet, she has her own opinions and is starting to strike out the first step out of our protective arms. Continue reading “Characteristics of an 8 year old and Strategies to handle them”

Characteristics of a 6 year old

My boy YH is 6 years old this year. I realized that I have been writing so much about my baby YT’s progress that it seems unfair that I do not document some of his siblings progress at their respective ages. At 6 years old, the below are what my boy is right now:

Physical development

At 6 years old, YH is good at all sports, especially Continue reading “Characteristics of a 6 year old”