Learnings of travelling solo

It is funny that travelling alone for me is such a BIG DEAL! If you are a seasoned traveller, you must be laughing at how deeply I feel about my first solo travel. I really encountered so many things in my trip, I feel I need to share my learnings here.

1. Missed connecting flight

As much as I feared about missed connecting flights, it really happened to me! What luck I had! My stopover at Hong Kong airport had the entire plane grounded for 2 hours! Continue reading “Learnings of travelling solo”

My first business trip – thoughts on the plane

Beautiful scene looking out of the plane

In the days running up to my business trip, XX was really upset. I had done all I could do (read here for all the things I tried to do to comfort my kids prior to the trip) to make my absence easier for her but it does not seem to work for her. As my travel date got nearer, she was almost tearing everyday, chanting “I don’t want mummy to travel”, it really broke my heart. Continue reading “My first business trip – thoughts on the plane”