My baby’s 11th month milestones

Baby YT at 11th month
Baby YT at 11th month

Baby YT is 11 months old!!

I can’t believe time flies by so fast and he now looks more like a toddler which is so different from the cradle-held baby months back. How I reminisce the baby days.  He has since reached several milestones at 11 months old.

Physical Development

Baby YT is growing “flabs and pounds”!  He still has his baby fats although he has started to look lean now. At night when I look at him sleeping on his tummy, I am amazed that he has doubled his birth length. As the Hokkien saying goes “Baby grows an inch for each night he sleeps.” That’s an exaggeration but it is not far from the truth.  He also has 8 teeth now, 4 upper and 4 lower.

Baby YT's favourite position
Baby YT’s favourite position

Baby achievements

Baby YT has perfected his commando crawl. He can crawl at amazing speed! If you compare a proper bottoms up crawl on all fours on ground versus commando crawling with tummy on the floor, you will know it’s tougher to crawl fast using the latter style. He looks like a wound-up toy.  The moment you put him on the floor, he “unwinds” the spring in him and crawls away!  Any baby race right now??

Just 2 days ago, Baby YT pulled himself up to reach for a shuttlecock right in front of my eyes!!  I am extremely proud of being the first to witness this important milestone, you couldn’t imagine how ecstatic I felt!  Then the next day, he repeated this newly found skill in front of the grandparents.  And everybody cheered!  I know many babies have reached this milestone much sooner than my dear YT, still, when it comes to your own baby’s first experience, it always sets off the excitement in the family.  I try not to compare such milestones with other babies and much prefer to celebrate my baby’s success at his own pace.  After all, it is more important that milestones are reached within a reasonable time frame, and equally important to keep a watch on any serious delay of development.

Things that make my baby smile at 11th month

There are many simple things that can trigger an endearing smile from Baby YT.  He loves bath time and loves to see water trickles down from a water filled bottle held at a height.  He smiles when he sees his milk bottle in my hands and know it’s feeding time.  He laughs when his sister sings his favourite songs from “Charlie and the Numbers”, “Tricky Tracks” and the japanese version of “If you are happy and you know it”.  He smiles at anything that spins.  He loves to spin the 3-D puzzle globe on its stand.  His favourite spins are the wheels on his walker in over-turned position.  He enjoys manipulating everything on his hands and turning them upside down.  What a discovery!  He smiles the moment you carry him towards the main door and out of the house.  He loves to go out.

Baby YT loves to play
Baby YT loves to play and can really sit straight!

Things that my baby doesn’t like

Baby YT does not like crowd due to the peaking of stranger anxiety these months.  He cries when there are too many people cooing over him.  What a big contrast to a few months ago when he displayed his showmanship and smiled at anyone who looked his way!  We understand his fear and hold him close whenever he shows signs of insecurity.  He will hold me real tight and tug at my necklace.  At such times, I would secretly enjoy his head resting on my chest, and feeling satisfied that I am needed and trusted to protect him.

Baby YT doesn’t like to be left alone in the play pen.  He is irritated if his hair touches his ears.  He will brush his ears violently with his little hands and that is sooooo cute! Do I sound like a terrible mum, enjoying his reactions to things he doesn’t like? But for little babies, any reaction from them is simply adorable and irresistable!

My baby prefers warm milk and water.  He pushes away the milk bottle if the milk or water has cooled.  That makes me wonder how will any babies take to cold milk that is fresh from the fridge as recommended in the books and followed diligently by one parent who happens to be my piano teacher? Have you tried giving your baby cold milk?

Next month same day, will be my baby’s 1st year.  Kel and I are busy thinking of a birthday celebration that is cozy and comfortably suited for the birthday baby.  We have to be careful not to overwhelm him.  The last thing we want to do is to make him cry on his big day.  But, isn’t it more fun (yes, for the adults) to have more people to celebrate together?

Baby, you don’t know how happy Mummy and Papa are that you have reached all these milestones!  You’ll be reaching the big ONE next month and of course, you don’t know this either!  Still, we love you lots!

Mummy loves you dear!!
Mummy loves you dear!!

Happy 11th month old Babe!

Experiencing the University Hostel Life

NUS Kent Ridge Hall in the old days

Last Monday morning, as I was walking to the MRT station, I was stopped by a young lady holding a can tin. A quick look at what’s written on the tin, I saw the word “NUSSU flag day 2013”. Ooh.. So this is my alma mater having its annual Rag and Flag event at the start of its varsity year. Without hesitation, I put in whatever coins I had and got a sticker for my donation. I asked the young lady if she was a freshee (a term for freshman) and asked which hall of residence she came from. Her reply, “Sheares” came with a smile as she must have gathered I was an “oldie” senior from the familiar terms I used.  I always enjoy meeting these freshees from NUS (National University of Singapore). It reminds me of the exciting and vibrant life I had in those varsity days.

In the university days, I stayed in the Kent Ridge Hall (short for Hall of Residence, which is a student hostel). Hall days were busy, happening and fully packed with Hall activities. It was a big contrast compared to those student days in formal schools prior to varsity entry. Living away from home does give you a sense of freedom to do whatever you like and have a chaotic lifestyle. 

NUS Kent Ridge Hall among the beautiful greenery

Staying in the Hall, you have to be really involved in the Hall activities to be really experiencing the exciting Hall life. Just staying in your room and going to lectures and tutorials and back to your room to study and sleep aren’t going to let you make more friends and enable you to discover yourself.

I was active in my Hall. I took part in Rag and Flag day as part of the freshman orientation. We had to build a large float out of various materials by hand for the rag part and asked for donations to welfare beneficiaries on the flag day. I was part of the rag dance too.
All of us were encouraged to join inter-Hall and even inter-block competitions. Each Hall had about 5-6 blocks of residence. I played Netball, Handball, Hockey, Basketball, joined Cheerleading team, volunteered at NUH (National University Hospital), was in block committee, joined lantern festival performance and others that I couldn’t remember.  We had many committee meetings that continued late into the night.  Some meetings were even scheduled at 12am and they were the norm!

By the time you read here, you must be wondering where’s the time for study? Ha! That’s the interesting part of staying in the Hall. As most activities started in the evening time, many of us studied hard and studied smart in the day. Since time was limited, you just had to be focused and be as efficient as possible when you attend tutorials and lectures. During examination period, Hall activities were minimal, allowing hostel students to concentrate and prepare for the papers.

I had fellow peers who played hard and studied hard. I had peers who skipped tutorial classes and slept in lecture halls too.  Most of us survived alright and some even made it to the Dean’s list!

If anyone were to ask how were my University days, it would always bring back Hall days memories and not much on the academic part.  I learnt many things in what I could not have if I did not stay in the Hall and opted for the comfort of my home.  Learning to stay away from home for the very first time of my 19 years of life was interesting, exciting yet needed much discipline.  I missed home terribly and looked forward to Friday nights to return home, and dreaded going back to my Hall on Sunday nights.  However, there was much learning that overrided the cons.  I learnt to manage my time well in order to juggle my studies and Hall activities.  I learnt that efficient meetings were essential as time was too precious to waste.  There were many international students and I learnt to get along with them, accepting differences among us.  I got to know many wonderful seniors who were really helpful in guiding me along in relationships, peer pressure, academic, to state a few.  These seniors were selfless in imparting knowledge and advice.  With the countless involvement in activities, we picked up skills and essentials of EQ through getting along with peers, sportsmanship and teamwork. 

In Hall days, we had endless block parties, competitions, make-shift stage concerts, as well as performances.  We had great fun cooking together, training hard for sports, rehearsing for cheers and dance and had good laugh over humorous skits put up by people whom we never knew had such talent!

Many relationships began in the Hall.  We heard of so many love stories, romantic and lousy ones.  In my block, we knew of the “time of the day” when loud music would be played for a good 20 minutes and had good guesses of what went on in these rooms.  Some didn’t even bother playing loud music nor off the lights, while the rest of us enjoyed a good show after dinner from the opposite block.  There were some peers who played so hard, partied late into the night, took part furiously in all kinds of activities, and forgot why they were there.  Of course, many great friendships were fostered as we passed each other by along the corridor, chatted in the laundry room with each tugging our laundry basket, getting to know more about the neighbours as we ate together in the common hall, and found like-minded friends when we went together for late night suppers.  Those were the carefree varsity Hall days.

For friends and worried mums who always asked me about the decision to stay in the University hostel, I would say the experience is valuable and hard to replicate elsewhere if you pass this stage.  It’s the best age to enjoy company of similar age peers, best time to try out all kinds of activities, best experience to party hard and study hard and best way to discover yourself!  There was definitely no regrets for me.  I will be full of support if my children were to ask for my opinions to stay in a University hostel come 10+ years from now. Wow! And that sounds pretty soon!

Have you stayed in a student hostel before? Share with me your experience!

I remember the day my son got lost: Weekly Writing Challenge

I remember the day when my son, YH was lost in the shopping mall.  It was a frantic search for him.  He was only 1+ years old then.

We went to an arcade (an entertainment centre) in a shopping mall.  My girl, XX, 3 years old then, was playing at some kiddie station.  YH was stomping on some step-on-the-buttons station a metre away.  We have 6 adults, kel, me and the 4 grandparents around these 2 toddlers. The adults were chatting away while keeping 12 EYES on the kids.  The arcade was noisy as usual, a mix of lousy orchestra playing game station music.  The little ones were having great fun hitting buttons and stepping on gears away with no tokens being deposited into the machines.

YH was walking about and running his unsteady steps from one station to the next.  Everything seemed normal till I suddenly realized that in my sight radar, there was only one toddler moving about. Where’s the other one??

For what seemed like 5 hours, the next 5 seconds were a frantic scatter of all of us searching for YH.  My first thought was to run to the main entrance of the arcade in case he ran out.  But my worse fear was him being kidnapped by somebody.  I imagined a man carrying him  with one hand over his mouth while my boy struggled and cried.  This thought made me crazy!  Then, alas, kel came looking for me 5 minutes later, and told me YH was checking out some station behind a drop down curtain!  Whew! I let out a sigh of relief! If you ever have such experience of finding your child lost, you would have been able to imagine my roller coaster emotions!  Hearing the good news, I ran back to my dear boy and hugged him tightly.  I fought back my tears.

The whole episode was only about 5 minutes but it could have been forever if he was really kidnapped away!  Having many people around with 12 eyes on the kids is not as safe as you think it to be.  I would have thought you are looking after the kids and you would have thought I am looking after them.  In the end, nobody is actually paying attention to the kids’ whereabouts!  This incident took place in our home country, Singapore which is one of the safest country in the world.  Yet, as parents, we cannot let our guards down when it comes to kids’ safety.  Even till now, YH who is already 6 years old, still wanders off in the crowd.  It always drives me crazy to search for him.  XX will always tell us where she is going if she is going to be out of sight from us.  Boys being boys, will always need that extra attention, but I will not let my guard down for my girl too. 

Have you ever encountered such a frantic experience of searching for your kids?  Share with me!

This post is written in response to Weekly Writing Challenge: I Remember

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Thank you Letter to My Children’s Pre-School teachers and staff

Ascension concert

In 2011, I wrote a thank you letter to all the teachers and staff of my children’s pre-school the day before their last day in the wonderful place they call school for the past 4 years (to be exact, 4 years for XX and 2 years for YH).  It was my children’s very first school where they spent 8 hours a day for 5 days in a week, while I spend equal number of hours in my workplace.  This was a place of fond memories where they learn their ABCs and 123s formally.  This was a place where they learn teamwork, sharing with peers, abiding rules of an institution and befriending little friends.  I wrote this thank you letter to the school to show my appreciation of them taking good care of my children.  At the same time, I want my children to remember they had these great teachers whom they may not remember as they grow up.


A thank you letter to Ascension Kindercare teachers and staff

Dear All teachers who have taught my daughter XX and my son YH,

First of all, thank you for the wonderful concert last Saturday. The efforts of the teachers and children let all the parents present bring back unforgettable memories.

It’s with a grateful heart that I am writing this thank you letter. Seeing my girl XX in her Kindergarten graduation robe and mortar board, I am so happy that in her 4 years in Ascension Kindercare, she had been in good care. All the teachers who taught her were wonderful! Each year, from N1 all the way to K2, she loved her teachers and I know she is well-taught and loved by all of them.

When she was in N1, Mdm Chia and Mdm Yong showered her with love such that she was accustomed to the childcare quickly and became their great “little helper” where she was given many chances to help the teachers.

In N2, Ms Chew and 姚老师 (both who already left the centre) were good and caring teachers and they quickly became my girl’s favourite teachers.

In K1 and K2, Mdm Louis and 吴老师 played an extremely important role in teaching and preparing her for Primary 1. 吴老师 taught my girl Chinese and Han Yu Pin Yin so well that I have no worries that she go on to her Primary school where Chinese is very much emphasized in school. And thanks to Mdm Louis in instilling discipline into the K2 children and always alert me to any misbehavior in my girl. She always worked with me quickly to nip the discipline problems in the bud. Even though she is strict in class most times, she shows the children her love and fun side too. With both of them as her K2 teachers, I have totally no worries she is in good hands.

For my boy, YH, I would also like to thank his N1 teachers Mdm Chia and Mdm Yong for handling his fragile emotions during his first weeks in childcare when he was only 3 years old. It took a long time for him to settle and me and my family were really glad that his teachers both found ways to capture his heart. By the time he left N1, he was already a favourite boy to his teachers and he enjoyed being with them.

In N2, YH needed to readjust to childcare in a new class again after his comfortable environment in N1. His N2 teacher, Ms Chew found ways to get him talking and open up to her. She succeeded and YH was once again jovial. This is with great help from N2 吴老师 who showed him lots of attention. Later 张老师 and Ms Myra joined N2 Love class and were able to bond quickly with YH. Even though N2 had many staff changes, I was really happy that the teachers were able to bond well with my boy.

There are many other teachers and assistant teachers, helpers to thank. They all have took good care of my children even though they are not the main teachers in their classes. And I also want to thank Ms De Foe for her good guidance in steering the childcare and her care and love for the children.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for both my children. They may not feel the sadness of leaving a place where they have great memories now, but for sure, as their mummy, I felt it strongly. And also it signifies an end of a part of their childhood. I am happy that this part was a memorable and enjoyable one.

Thank you very much, Ascension Kindercare teachers and staff!

Best regards,

Mummy of XX and YH


After this letter was sent to the school’s principal, she shared my thanks with all the teachers in the pre-school.  Many teachers thanked me for the kind letter and I was equally touched.  The funny thing is a month later, after trying to put YH in a new pre-school which did not worked out (we changed to a pre-school nearer our house because we had moved house), we were back in this good, old pre-school again.  The wonderful thing is that the moment YH was seen walking towards the pre-school entrance, he was immediately welcomed by the principal, the teachers and the school-mates.  YH was initially very embarrassed to have bade farewell to all teachers and friends and to be back in the school again.  I was surprised that his little ego was affected by this turn of events, just like us adults. However, I was glad that by the end of the day, he was back to his normal self and was never so glad to be back in the same environment and be with his friends again.

Although the travelling from our new home to the old pre-school is some 20 minutes away by bus, we were nonetheless happy that he was comfortable in the old learning environment.  It wasn’t easy for anyone to let go of friendship and bonds with teachers after spending 2 years together, let alone for a 4 year old (that’s half his lifetime then!).  When the end of the year comes, it will be YH’s turn to put on his little mortar board and graduation robe in the year end graduation cum concert event.  I’ll be shedding tears of joy once more.

Have you ever tried to thank someone who took great care of your kids?  Maybe you should! The feeling is great!

Reminders to myself as a wife and mummy

3 years ago, when I was 6 years into marriage and 5 years into motherhood, I wrote a list of reminders that I hope to revisit from time to time.  They are the reminders to myself to be a good mummy to my children and a good wife to my hubby.  I wrote this list for fear that one day I might be too caught up in a whirlwind of life’s changes, I might lose myself somehow and forget the basic ingredients in building a happy family. 

Reminders to myself as a wife and mummy:

1)    do not nag too much

2)    learn to let go and care less, not care more

3)    do not stress your kids academically

4)    accept your child’s ability and accept who they are

5)    accept who your hubby is

6)    learn to take good care of yourself, take care of your own needs before others

7)    treat yourself well

8)    appreciate small improvements / changes

9)    appreciate your blissful life now

10)  appreciate that everyone including yourself is healthy

Now, 3 years after the above list is made, I am happy that I keep to most of the reminders, except maybe for no. 1 “do not nag too much” and no. 7 “treat yourself well”.

Nagging too much seems to be the inevitable for mothers. It’s a vicious cycle. If the kids or even the hubby had to have repeated reminders to pick up a piece of paper or to bring the cup to the sink area, how can the homemaker not say the same instruction repeatedly which is what they termed the “nagging”? If all I need to do is to just say it once, and the task gets done, will I ever need to “nag”? Nevertheless, I have accepted this as part and parcel of being human and what I’ll need to do is to say it out in a different tone and manner, perhaps that’ll take away the nagging tone to make the nagging not such a nag. I don’t know. But I will have to try. Does anyone has a good solution on this out there?

Treat yourself well. Usually mothers are like “burnt chop”. They are the ones who eat the burnt chop and give the good ones to the rest of the family. They always put the well-being of the family first and themselves last. Whatever they do, they do with the best interest of the family even if it means to sacrifice their me-time and social life. This is the area I need to improve on. Self-sacrifice has always been the norm for me and putting myself above the others is going to be difficult. So far, I have been trying to treat myself better minus all the guilt. Wish me luck!

For no. 8 and 9: “appreciate your blissful life now” and “appreciate that everyone including yourself is healthy“, I have written a blog post on this and am happy that a check at this point in time, I do appreciate such simple but easily taken for granted things.

How do you keep check on yourself to not take things for granted?  And do you nag? Do you have ways to cut down nagging?