If you have a child who back talks, is defiant, loses his interest in studies, is rude, closes any form of communications with you, what will you do? Continue reading “How to deal with children with behavioural problems (Part 1) – Reach out to your child’s innermost emotions”
Tag: Parenting issues
Little YT at 22 months and my thoughts on sharing personal life in public
The last milestone update on Little YT was when he was 16 months. I have been wanting to update this quarterly but time just slips me by and Alas! 6 months had passed! In 2 months time, he is going to turn 2 years old, the big TERRIBLE TWOS!!! Continue reading “Little YT at 22 months and my thoughts on sharing personal life in public”
Multiple Intelligences – How do you view your child?
What is multiple intelligences? Oh, before you think this is going to be a boring post, I urge you to read on further as it is really interesting and will make you aware of your child’s strengths and how to encourage them.
Together with some Rise and Shine partner bloggers and media, I had the honour to attend a talk by Dr Thomas Armstrong, Continue reading “Multiple Intelligences – How do you view your child?”
My daily routine as a FTWM + Sanity Tips
Being a FTWM (Full Time Working Mum) is like holding 2 full time jobs. A career woman by the day and a mum-teacher-maid by night. It is not easy to handle the evening’s demands of child-rearing and house chores after a full day fatigue and stress at work. Many people think that after I go home, it’s just all play with my 3 adorable kids. But the truth is nothing like this since I do not have a domestic helper. However, being helperless, I have many opportunities to bring up my kids to be independent and not take things for granted. I believe any unfavourable situation has a potential to benefit from it. Continue reading “My daily routine as a FTWM + Sanity Tips”
A Peek into the After Work Hours of a FTWM

Have you ever wonder how other mums handle their kids and household? In particular, how Full Time Working Mums (FTWM) handle theirs after they come home from work?
I am a FTWM, and I have been through countless trial and error to find a routine that works for me and the kids. It is necessary to be Continue reading “A Peek into the After Work Hours of a FTWM”